Children's Campus

The St. galaxy银河娱乐场app儿童校区(SAUCC)为6周至6岁的儿童提供全面的幼儿课程, 为家庭提供资源,为大学生提供教育经验.

St. galaxy银河娱乐场app儿童校区是由爱荷华州人类服务部许可的.

High Quality Childcare

Iowa QRS

儿童校园获得了爱荷华州质量评级系统(QRS)的最高五星评级。. 这个自愿评级系统是为了提高爱荷华州儿童保育的质量而开发的, 提高高质量儿童保育环境中的儿童人数, and to educate parents about quality in child care.

Learn about this rating

Learning Outdoors

nature explore

儿童校园自然探索教室是爱荷华州首批自然探索教室之一,充满活力, 以自然为基础,以科研为基础开发的户外空间, 实地测试的设计原则侧重于青少年教育和整个儿童的发展. 这些教室允许孩子们通过参与开放式游戏来探索和发展与自然世界的联系,同时增强物理环境并为空间增添自然美.

See the SAU Nature Explore Classroom


St. galaxy银河娱乐场app儿童校区提供全面高质量的幼儿教育项目, 欢迎不同的人群和个人学习能力. 我们把孩子视为一个整体,拥抱和重视他们的个性和自我表达.

In addition, 我们为大学生提供教育体验, 强调与学生建立良好的关系和联系, families, and community.

Our Classrooms

Featuring Bluebird and Leapfrog Rooms


More Information

Parent Involvement

我们鼓励你积极参与我校的各项活动. 每年都会安排一些活动来帮助加强家庭和项目之间的联系. You are welcome to attend these activities.

Visiting the Classroom

在我们的工作时间内,欢迎您随时访问我们的节目. 我们要求你把孩子的最大利益放在心上. 如果一个孩子很难说再见,最好一天只分离一次. If you prefer not to interrupt the children, please feel free to use the observation windows, complete with sound systems.

Contributing Your Time

我们一直在寻找感兴趣的家长来加强我们的课程. If you would like to share your profession, hobby, or talent with us, 我们将感谢您贡献的时间和专业知识. 我们鼓励您填写位于您孩子入学文件夹中的家庭资源卡. We can always use your help!如果您有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系. We rely on you for feedback and advice.


我们的课程支持我们的理念和信念,即当孩子们积极参与游戏时,他们学得最好. 以Katz和Chard的项目方法为模型, 我们的课程让孩子们深入探索不同的主题或科目,这取决于孩子们对什么感到兴奋和好奇.

我们知道,作为成年人,我们更有动力去调查和学习我们感兴趣的主题. 这就是为什么针对孩子的兴趣进行教学是非常有意义的. By engaging children's minds, 他们更容易对周围的日常世界有更深入的了解.

In order to capitalize on the children's interests, our teachers begin by observing play, peer and adult interactions, conversations with families, and creative work. 此外,我们会经常问孩子:“你在想什么??"

通过这些引人入胜的活动和深入的探索, the young child develops personal/social, language, and physical skills, as well as mathematical skills, scientific skills and creative thinking.

为了社交成长,孩子需要与其他孩子和成年人互动、玩耍和交谈. With adult encouragement and guidance, 孩子将获得独立和自律,并认识到他人的价值.

To develop language skills, a child needs practice listening and speaking, 以及接触各种各样的阅读和写作材料.

To develop physically, 孩子需要掌握大小运动技能的机会, 吃营养均衡的食物,享受充足的阳光和新鲜空气.

To develop mathematical thinking skills, a child needs to sort, create patterns, measure, and gain an understanding of numbers.

To grow scientifically, a child needs to observe, investigate, predict, and question the environment around her.

To advance in the arts, a child needs experiences with a variety of art supplies or media; opportunities to sing, listen, and play music; and time to use dance as creative expression.
而深入的探索让孩子们有机会探索他们感兴趣的东西, learning centers provide plenty of opportunity to:

Make decisions
Work with others
Think and reason
Problem solve
Develop coordination
Increase attention span

孩子们每天都有充足的机会在学习中心工作和玩耍. 长时间的玩耍可以让孩子们真正投入到他们的工作和研究中去.

Day to Day Operations

St. galaxy银河娱乐场app儿童校园全年开放,周一至周五上午7:30.m. until 4:30 p.m. 计划关闭包括所有联邦假日(加上圣诞节和新年之间的一周), 选择与家长/教师会议和家访配对的在职教师日, 并缩短了与达文波特学校系统相关的假期. 

Daily schedules are posted in each classroom. 每天都有老师指导的节目,自由选择和户外活动. 营养丰富的早餐、午餐和小吃都是家庭式的. (根据美国农业部儿童和成人护理食品计划的指导,为儿童提供营养膳食. 在婴儿室,父母提供自己的母乳或配方奶粉. Baby food is provided.)


Classroom Teachers and Assistants

Courtney Luther, Director of Children's Campus
Tyler McIntire, Administrative Assistant

Honeybee Classroom
Allie Neuses, Lead Teacher
Shannon Gottschalk, Assistant Teacher
Alida Gottschalk, Assistant Teacher

Ladybug Classroom
Ra'Mya Taylor, Lead Teacher
Lanyjah Pemberton, Assistant Teacher

Bluebird Classroom
Allison Scovel, Lead Teacher
Lamariana Phillips, Assistant Teacher

Leapfrog Classroom
Elizabeth Majeske, Lead Teacher
Ashley Werthmann, Assistant Teacher

Dragonfly Classroom
Cynthia Bechtel, Lead Teacher
Molly Van Horn, Assistant Teacher


Courtney Luther, Director

Children's Campus
1301 W. Lombard St.
Davenport, Iowa 52804

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多galaxy银河娱乐场app的虚拟和亲自访问选项.